Há quem diga que a terra esta em seu limite para ter condições de poder se recuperar frente a tantas agressões causadas pelo homem.
O ambiente não tem fronteiras, não tem partido político, não tem raça, cor, ideologia ou economia. Ele pertence a todos, e tudo pertence a ele. Não a desenvolvimento de sociedades, saúde ou até mesmo a existência de humanos sem a natureza. No entanto, não é o que temos visto diariamente nos noticiários mundiais e regionais.
O ser humano é capaz de coisas magníficas, tanto para o bem quanto para o mal. Vamos focar que muitas coisas extraordinariamente ruins acontecem por culpa das pessoas e que destroem o meio ambiente de forma avassaladora. Acidentes ou tragédias planejadas custam muitas vidas de diversas espécies (inclusive humanas), sendo que muitas delas continuam até hoje.
Por exemplo,atualmente cerca de 150 mil pessoas ainda sofrem com os efeitos da contaminação radioativa e aproximadamente 50 mil pessoas estão incapacitadas para o trabalho devido os problemas de saúde.
Deus construiu a natureza a qual o homem está destruindo a cada dia.
Cada dia a natureza produz o suficiente para nossa carência. Se cada um utiliza-se somente o que lhe fosse necessário não haveria pobreza no mundo e ninguém morreria de fome.
A natureza faz o homem feliz mas a sociedade desprezava-a,tornando-se miserável à ela.
O Mundo tornou-se perigoso, porque os homens aprenderam a dominar a natureza antes de se dominarem a si mesmo,desrespeitando o meio ambiente de forma cruel.
Não devemos ter medo de inventar seja o que for. tudo o que existe em nós existe também na natureza, pois fazemos parte dela.
Nós apenas temos de evitar o seu mau uso e o seu excesso.
Some say that the earth is at its limit to be able to recover power in the face of so many aggressions caused by humans.
The environment has no borders, no political party has no race, ideology or economics. It belongs to everyone and everything belongs to him. Not the development of societies, health or even without the existence of human nature. However, there is what we have seen daily in the world and regional news.
The human being is capable of wonderful things, for good or for evil. Let's focus on that many things happen extraordinarily bad fault of the people and destroy the environment so overwhelming. Accidents or tragedies planned cost many lives of several species (including humans), many of which continue today.
For example, currently about 150 000 people are still suffering from the effects of radioactive contamination and approximately 50 000 people are unable to work due to health problems.
God built the nature of which man is destroying every day.
Each day the nature produces enough for our needs. If each one uses only what it was needed there would be no poverty in the world and no one would starve.
Nature makes people happy but society despised it, making it miserable for her.
The world has become dangerous because the men have learned to master nature before the master himself, disregarding the environment so cruel.
Do not be afraid to invent whatever. everything that exists in us also exists in nature because we are part of it.
We just have to prevent its misuse and its over.
The environment has no borders, no political party has no race, ideology or economics. It belongs to everyone and everything belongs to him. Not the development of societies, health or even without the existence of human nature. However, there is what we have seen daily in the world and regional news.
The human being is capable of wonderful things, for good or for evil. Let's focus on that many things happen extraordinarily bad fault of the people and destroy the environment so overwhelming. Accidents or tragedies planned cost many lives of several species (including humans), many of which continue today.
For example, currently about 150 000 people are still suffering from the effects of radioactive contamination and approximately 50 000 people are unable to work due to health problems.
God built the nature of which man is destroying every day.
Each day the nature produces enough for our needs. If each one uses only what it was needed there would be no poverty in the world and no one would starve.
Nature makes people happy but society despised it, making it miserable for her.
The world has become dangerous because the men have learned to master nature before the master himself, disregarding the environment so cruel.
Do not be afraid to invent whatever. everything that exists in us also exists in nature because we are part of it.
We just have to prevent its misuse and its over.
Aluno: Adriano D. Schulz
Série: 5º
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